5 brand that you like the most (aku kan orang muda jadi mestila jenama untuk orang2 muda)
-Levi's ( i luv Levi's Jeans & shirt)
-Vincci (dan semua yang dibawah PADINI)
5brand that you dislike the most;
- Bonia ( x pernah minat...tp pernah jugaklah hadiahkan parents aku 1 set jam bonia [ayat temberang])
- Alfio Raldo (jenama kakak2 & makcik2)
- The Body Shop ( Aku x pernah minat ni brand...xtau kenapa...)
-Fossil ( cam minyak jak..)
- dan segala jenama2 yang aku x kenal...
5 countries that you want to go;
-Mekah ( lama sudah mau p...tp xda rezeki lagi kali..)
-China ( wif him)
-England(Liverpool & London)
-France (wat apa cni??)
-pendek kata...EURO TRIP...
5 countries that you do not want to go
- Israel
5 item that you like the most (mine juak ni)
- my pinky Sony T-70 ( aku beli pakai duit sendiri..hbs duit ASB aku...)
- my guess watch ( beli guna duit Bonus thn pertama aku kerja)
- my Handphones (aku bacat kalu xda hp d tgn)
- my Kereta Kecik ( standard la biar bukan aku bayar tp sudah bawak aku p[ bnyk tmpt)
-BUKU ASB aku..(huahuahau)
5 item that you dislike
- klu aku x suka...aku xkn beli...jd maknanya xda la..
5 people that you love the most
- parents & sister
- big family
- Him
- Friends
- someone with name JACK2
5 people that you hate the most
-aku jarang benci org sbb aku ni pelupa.. aku marah ngn org kejap jak..
5 color that you like the most
5 color that you dislike the most?
- warna2 orang tua..
5 things that you dream the most
- Him
-Me myself
5 things that you not dream at all
- apa2 yang mmg x patut...
5 of your positive character.
- aku cpt maafkan org...
- happy go lucky
-suka mengalah
-jenis x kisah
5 of your negative character
- tp aku jugak cepat marah
-tp bahayanya aku klu sudah sayang org...tlbh2
-wpun happy go lucky..tp aku slalu sedih tp simpan sndr..
-tp ada masa aku jenis xmau kalah...
-kadang2 sbb telampau kisah aku jadi terlampau negative..
5 moments that you miss the most
-First time i met him
-first time i went out with him
-first time he gave me present
-being in WCT
-zaman kanak2 yang suci dari masalah..
5 moments that you do not want to remember at all?
- first time kami gaduh
- kebodohan terbesar aku... 15/12/2008
-ntah la..
-semua kebodohan aku..
-tengah fikir..
5 positive characters of your best buddy;
- penyayang
- x kedekut
- matang
- releks
- bijak
- pandai bisnes
- eh..cam lebih plak
5 negative characters of your best buddy
- suka simpan masalah sndr...
-ego yang melampau
- suka makan pil tidur
- gila memancing
- gila cari duit....(negatif ka ni?)
5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life)
- hang out with him...
- apa juga untuk dia...
-lepak ngn diorg geng2 kampung..
- berhenti dari WCT
5 things that you regret the most
-setakat ini ada satu benda jak yg aku menyesal.. perkara bodoh yg aku lakukan pada 15/12/2008 ...if only i can turn back time...
Single question
Favorite animal?
- Kiki
Favorite quote?
- If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go...
Favorite actor?
- x minat sapa2..
Favorite actress?
- x minat sapa2...
Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
- thinking about him and my future...erkkk...tension...
Favorite website?
- blogger
Favorite moment
- lepak ngn family sambil ketawa2...
Favorite sport?
- sports??
Favorite vegetable?
- suma sayur...
Favorite comedies
- apa2 la yg aku suka...
nota kaki tangan dan mulut: Cik dD...aku bukan xmau letak gmbr...tp nnt org ckp aku temberang...
hoi apa ni. buat pun mcm xmau buat. aku taula ko mau buat 1st part jak hahaha
ReplyDelete*mode risau*
hahaha..salah jo..adakah ak lupa cari quote..
ReplyDeletecik rina...awat x de tag sape2...cm best pulak la menjawab mende ni...wahahahaaa...haku kn gilo tagging-tagging
ReplyDeletehahahahaha..klakar ko rina..cuba bgtau aku sikit kaler org tua tu kaler ape? =p
cik rina..sabo..sabo..aku jwb tag mawa dlu..sbb ko pny ni pjg beno ye..nak jwb kena ada ketenangan..br bole dipikirin ya mbak..uhuhu..
ReplyDeletekaler org tua pada aku adlh kaler ijo geli...muahahahahaaa