10 March 2011

Today is my birthday..

Yess... Today is my birthday.. And im getting older but its ok...For me age is just a number. The most important think is you always feel young inside. Ceh cam taik-taik awal pagi bespeaking orang putih. apapun...

Happy Birthday to me...

P/s hadiah banglo, kreta BMW , Eurotrip tahun lepas aku mintak belum ada yang bagi. Sigh!


  1. hai... happy besday yea.. semoga panjang umor dan dimurahkan rezeki makcik cantek ucapkan.:)

  2. hepi birthday!! semoga pjg umur dan murah rezeki =D

  3. hahaha.. bw p tiap2 thn buli jg ba tu.. happy buffday rina..
